• ModularFurniture
    Team info

    info Benjamin Lehn

    info Maaike Jetten

    info Sander Pieters

    info Evelien Filipsen

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    The challenge

    Due to Urbanization and a therefore an always increasingly difficult housing situation all around the world living space gets more expensive, rooms get smaller or more complicated. Same for globalization and the ever-increasing demands and needs of the modern citizen. All of this has led to the evolution of the 'Urban Nomad', who moves frequently, wants to be mobile, flexible, and has to adapt to a variety of living situations. Furniture is often a very rigid setup, that is hard to move or change, not only when switching places but also when having visitors or changing lifestyle and needs. In this rapidly changing society and world we want to provide an all-out solution to this range of problems. For example, taking a bed with you requires a huge amount of effort, probably means of transportation, and you don't even know whether it fits into your new apartment, which might have a crooked corner.

    The solution

    Through having a recombinable hexagonal shape that extends and retracts seamlessly and without much effort, we offer a flexible solution that offers endless possibilites. By making furniture modular, you no longer have to buy something new for every occasion and place, but rather buy a set of building blocks that last you a lifetime. Don't want your desk standing around when guests are coming over? Just transform it into a couch and table. Suddenly realize you need more storage space? Make it into a closet. Moving has never been this easy, just deconstruct everything and put the panels at the back of your bike, instead of requiring a car and not even being able to fit it all into your new home. We offer the freedom, long-lasting value, and flexibility the modern citizen can and should expect from his furniture, which they invest so much time, money and effort in.

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