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    Congratulations to all the winners!


    All photos were taken by Bart van Overbeeke

    It's needless to say that the final event of the TU/e Contest 2017 was a great success! I hope you've all enjoyed it as much as we did. We would like to thank each and everyone of you for your contribution, enthusiasm and praises. We couldn't have done it without you. 

    The room started to fill as our jurymembers, partners, and visitors all entered the Blauwe Zaal. At the door, everyone was given a small device to vote for their favorite group and project. That is why in the first round the students were al facing the entire audience. The audience made their decision and two groups won the Audience Prizes! Eline van den Haak, winner of the first TU/e Contest in 2015 presented the awards to her fellow students. 

    The Audience Prize for Ideation & Prototyping was won by Jakx

    photo by Bart van Overbeeke

    The Audience Prize for Student Teams was won by T.E.S.T. 2017

    photo by Bart van Overbeeke

    After the second round of pitches it was time for the jury to go into deliberation while Eline and Frederique van den Haak inspired us all by telling us to never let age or doubt play any role in creating your own success. 

    photo by Bart van Overbeeke

    The shortest amount of time to prepare and they still won the prize for ideation! Goes to show that you have to believe in yourself and your product to accomplish mindblowing things, like winning the TU/e Contest 2017. Congrats to eMinds!

    photo by Bart van Overbeeke

    Not only did Jakx win the audience prize for Ideation & Prototyping, but they won the prize for prototyping as well!

    photo by Bart van Overbeeke

    Then there was only the category Student Teams left. Congratulations Team Fast for winning the prize in the category Student Teams!

    photo by Bart van Overbeeke

    Congratulations to all of you! Enjoy this moment of ecstasy and pride, you've earned it. 

    Keep following us on social media for an awesome aftermovie and a complete impression of the final event.