    Team info

    info haruka maeda

    We are looking for: app develop;er

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    The challenge

    Less and less people are having the joy to play football in the street. As a kid, with all these technology easily accessible, you find yourself having a hard time to find friends to play football with, most of them preferring to play in their video game consoles. As a grown up, with all the rush and independent daily life, you have a hard time fixing matches with your friends due to their own different schedules and/or not having enough people to play with. Even with such great environment in the Netherlands, it is hard to see a court like the ones made from the Cruyff foundation being occupied.

    The solution

    Unify the technology and people who are willing to play football. It does not matter if you are new in the city as long as you have this app. Making new friends and football matches has never been easier. We believe that this app not only will bring joy but give freedom to youngsters to play in their own style, improving football in a different way that cannot be taught in football clubs. Eventually, growing to play creatively like Cruyff.


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