• Team Neos
    Team info

    info Laura Bijl

    info Josien de Koning

    info Viktoria Bacheva

    info Marina Brücker

    info Sahar Golchin Far

    info Pamela Schippers

    info Wouter Roog

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    Team Neos

    The challenge

    Food is transported over a long distance before it reaches the customer. This requires a lot of energy, which is not unlimited available. Food is often packed in plastic for transportation and sales. Plastics waste is a problem of the current society. Additionally, customers often do not know the origin of their vegetables and how they grow.

    The solution

    Urban agriculture is our solution to the problems! We want to reduce the food miles by producing food locally. At the same time, we want to further reduce the energy usage by designing an efficient, circular and sustainable building. Finally, we also want to reconnect people with food, nature, circularity and neighbours. We are going to implement all those aspects in one urban greenhouse, which provides vegetables and social activities to the neighbourhood. We are going to design a building which has significant plant production, workshop areas, public spaces and a restaurant.

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