• Cyclone
    Team info

    info Andreas Panteli

    info Stijn Ringeling

    info Thomas van de Wiel

    info Xiaoxiao Wen

    info Ahmed Ahres

    info Arnoud Schmiermann

    info Laurens Kools

    info Joost Hakvoort

    info Robin Ferede

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    The challenge

    Have you not wished for an automated future? Have you not desired an aerial innovation to bring you closer to faster deliveries, swifter help and novel opportunities. Limitations of technology restrict our wishes for now and challenges are still hard to solve; but thankfully, Cyclone is working on it.

    The solution

    Cyclone is the autonomous drone racing student team of the TU/e that works on the challenges of drone control, aerial path navigation and real time intelligence. At Cyclone we have built from scratch our prototype drone, whirlwind, and are working on its navigation in a racing track. By the end of this year, Cyclone is expected to race in an competition where target detection, path finding, path planning and speed are the main challenges to be conquered.

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