• tucanti
    Team info

    info Ameya Rao

    info Daniel Pellon

    info João Ferreira

    info Rocco Fortuna

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    The challenge

    The democratization of financial services is here, the opportunities for individuals to invest are actively increasing. The popularization of new asset classes, such as cryptocurrencies, have served as a catalyst for this trend. While there is huge influx of new investors, financial tools to keep track of investments are either very lacking, have old and clunky interfaces, or are usually limited to a single asset class. This forces investors to deal with spreadsheets, which are time-consuming and prone to errors. The lack of a proper tool also discourages beginners who are looking to get into investing. It is evident that a reliable, universal and intuitive tool is required to meet all these demands.

    The solution

    Our team’s desire to meet these consumer demands and empower investors is what gave birth to Tucanti: a powerful, elegant and easy-to-use app that allows investors to keep track of their investments in a single place. Tucanti is a user-friendly tool aimed at all investors, whether experienced or not. It allows investors to keep track of a variety of different investment vehicles, whether it be stocks, ETFs, commodities, or even cryptocurrencies. This, in turn, allows investors to have a better overall picture of their portfolio of investments. It provides a variety of tools to analyse and improve investment strategies, serving as more than just a portfolio manager.

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