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    ASML will coach students during the TU/e Contest


    This year, ASML, will be premium partner of the TU/e Contest again. ASML once began as a modest startup, but is nowadays one of the largest chip manufacturers in the world.

    What makes startups successful? And what are the challenges for entrepreneurial students?

    The adventure of ASML began with fourteen ambitious engineers in a wooden prefab on the Philips campus site. They worked on an unfinished device, with a small amount of money. As most successful companies, the growth of ASML has had its ups and downs. Therefore, ASML gladly supports initiatives such as the TU/e Contest, where students transform innovative ideas into concrete products. Hank Oosterbaan, Manager Labor Market Communications at ASML, explains why.

    Hank OosterbaanASML often works together with entrepreneurial students and start-ups, why?

    Through experience, we know the difficulties of launching a prototype into the market. Furthermore, we see collaboration with students as a win-win situation: we help students to realize a product while they stimulate our creativity, which helps ASML to stay agile. This is a big challenge for a company of this size. By supporting students during the TU/e Contest, our employees encounter new materials and products, which stimulates our ingenuity.

    The development of a strong network has been an important key to our success. Because our products are highly complex, we need expertise from various disciplines to ensure smooth production. Therefore, we work extensively with suppliers and knowledge-institutes from the region. This type of network is essential for the development of complex and unique products.

    Is the start-up culture rediscovered?

    During the financial crisis, the start-up culture diminished for a long time. However, recent successful initiatives, like Google and LinkedIn, have proven that pioneering makes sense again. This allows current students to think big again: What is my passion? What are my dreams? By taking part in this competition, students can outline their dreams and discover whether entrepreneurship suits them or not.

    ASML Makers AwardWhat are the challenges for innovative TU/e students?

    Students often have an idea, but no prototype. Within the prototype phase, you should think about other things, such as: Could I produce my product at a reasonable cost? How do I sell my product? A student does not always oversee these different facets, which is an educational challenge.

    In previous TU/e Contest editions, we have noticed that thoroughbred entrepreneurs usually succeed on their own. Therefore, we mainly work with the middle group. This group consists of students who like innovation, but do not know yet whether entrepreneurship suits them. We encourage these students to persevere, by offering knowledge and mental support: How is your process? What barriers are you facing?

    The ultimate goal is to sell a manufactural product, but that is not attainable for everyone. However, participating in the contest is a great gain on its own. You become more self-aware and will create a relevant network.

    What makes the TU/e Contest unique?

    The University of Eindhoven offers many opportunities to explore your area of competence, like the ‘Solar team’ and the ‘Robot Soccer team’. However, the TU/e Contest is different, it is not an existing format. You have to shape your own ideas and goals.   

    After the TU/e Contest, you will have a good understanding of the business and you will carry on with a valuable network, which will increase your career opportunities after graduation.

    Furthermore, this experience makes your study choices easier as well. A large group of students like engineering a lot, but do not picture themselves in a specialist role. This group likes to explore the world around technology and science. The TU/e Contest is a great opportunity to find out what you like and what you're good at.

    winners TU/e Contest 2016

    What features are important for technical young professionals?

    You have to be creative, solution-oriented and have a wide range of interests. Disciplines are becoming more integrated. Nowadays you often see the combination of electrical engineering and software development. Showing interest in other fields is a prerequisite for successful collaboration, this enables you to empathize with others and connect different specialties. At ASML, you will find no one who aims to solve a problem by themselves, because everyone knows that this is pointless.

    Your career at ASML

    ASML employees are curious, solution-oriented and knowledge-driven people.

    By the growth of ASML, there is more room available for organizational and business profiles.