Jorg Mallens
Ralf Schmidt
Robert van Dijk
Ivar de Vries
Lotte van Dasler
Tom Franken
Leander van Eekelen
Celine Pereboom
Dennis van de Sande
Saray Bakker
Janneke Lukkezen
Bacterial resistance against antibiotics is a growing problem. One of the last working antibiotic against methicilin resistant bacteria (MRSA) is vancomycin. The downside to this medicine is it has very severe side effects. Because of this it is important to optimize dosage concentrations. When the dosage is to high the side effects become too severe and when dosage becomes to low bacteria can develop resistance for this medicine as well. It is therefore necessary to be able to precisely follow blood concentrations with quick and simple tests.
Our team develops a novel, small size biosensor able to measure concentrations of the medicine in the blood using minimal amounts of blood and is quick and simple to use.
This project is being coached by