    Team info

    info Norman Clifford Francis

    info Maria Pravin

    info Ogulcan Bal

    info Sandeep Reddy Kesarapu

    info Christian de Heij

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    The challenge

    Drinking sufficient water is essential for healthy life-style. It is even more crucial for Fitness Enthusiasts. -These are individuals who desire to be fit even with their busy profession. - These are individuals who are attached with their physical health and appearance. -These are individuals who tend to engage more often in fitness activities next to sports athletes. Involvement in fitness activities varies their water needs. That's why they should have sufficient water intake and be keenly aware of their water intake behavior. But how do they know they are especially at work where they spend the major time of their day?

    The solution

    That's why we offer WHIZBOT! Whizbot is a smart water bottle that helps the Fitness enthusiasts to have sufficient water intake by eliminating the user's effort during their office hours. How? Whizbot recognizes the environment, sets the user's personalized water intake goal, motivates/reminds them to achieve it and tracks the intake behavior to show their water intake habit at office. Users are constantly assessed based on how much they have to drink and how much they have actually consumed. The bottle informs users about their water intake habits and he/she can access all the data and metrics about their water drinking patterns. The data and metrics can be used as a comparison with other Whizbot user's drinking habits as well . Further, the users will be informed whenever they forget to carry Whizbot with them.

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